We want to make contributing to charity easy as Pie! Here at Pieland, on every Wednesday of the month, you can post your pet pics in our #Compienions channel on Discord to increase our monthly donation to a select charity.
How do we choose our monthly charities?
This past month of July, we donated to The Bee Conservancy. Every month, we choose a charity based on several factors. We look for charities that have a mission we align with, show transparency, and that are creating a sustainable difference. That means their effects are wide-reaching. We seek organizations which not only impact the cause at hand, but whose effects create a ripple, with an impact that can grow and be sustainable. The Bee Conservancy is an example of this, with a mix of educational & awareness programs, sustainable bee sanctuaries, and support for sustainable bee-keeping.
For the month of August, we’ve chosen to support Trunk’s Up. Not only is this an ode to our favorite elephant and Pieland founder, ElDumbo, they are exactly the kind of charity Pieland loves to support, and if you check them out, you’ll see why!
How did we get started?
Creating a positive impact is one of our main goals at Pieland. From the beginning, we’ve always sought to make a difference. This began with our carbon negative mint, and planting over 12000 trees with Trees For the Future. We have been so happy to see that our community is one who cares, and who always supports our efforts to make change.
We define ourselves as a family-friendly and inclusive project, and part of that is making sure we’re creating a positive environment. We don’t want that to remain just inside our community — we want to have as wide of a reach as possible! In that spirit, our community manager, @Laurennn, brought out the #WednesdayFrensday baking sheet, and we were all ready at the table as soon as we heard the idea!
What is the future of #WednesdayFrensday?
We truly believe in this initiative. We think it’s unique, fun, and it might be our master plan of getting to see all of your cutest dogs, fish, and goats every week. In the future, we hope to continue to grow the number of monthly contributions to #WednesdayFrensday, increasing our total donation amounts as much as possible. We’ve been experimenting with Twitter Spaces to grow our reach, and we may have some more collab #WednesdayFrensday Spaces coming up soon!
A Blue-Ribbon Recipe
As always, we welcome ideas from the community when it comes to reaching as many Pieyes as possible, or for suggestions on which charity we should donate to next. The world can be a dark place, and we hope #WednesdayFrensday can brighten your day, whether by the awesome contributions to charity, made possible by you all, or by the flood of adorable animal pictures (plant pics welcome as well!).
You can contribute to #WednesdayFrensday in our Discord, and use the hashtag on Twitter to let your friends know about our initiative.