Announcing: The First Pieland Compietition Series!

9 min readMar 14, 2024


With over $3k in prizes and open to any Octopie Holder, you’ll want to see this…

Today, we’re excited to announce the Pi Day 2024 Compietition Series.!

How It Works
The way it works is fairly simple — we’ll run a series of 4 Compietitions one after the other, starting today. Collectors will have the freedom to enter as many or as few of these Compietitions as they desire. However, every Competition in the series awards points and has its own leaderboard, along with a prize pool specific to that leaderboard.

As the series progresses, we’ll introduce a “Series Overview” leaderboard that aggregates your points from all the Compietitions within the series. After the series concludes, the main bulk of the prizes will be distributed based on standings in this Series Overview leaderboard.

These Compietitions will run on the following schedule:

Stage 1: 14th March — 21st March
Stage 2: 25th March — 1st April
Stage 3: 1st April — 8th April
Stage 4: 8th April — 15th April

Each one will start at 9am PT and finish the following week at 8am PT on the given dates above. All of them are entered in the same way, via MyPies, but each will have a unique ruleset, points system, and requirements list!

$3.14k In Prizing!
We’re celebrating Pi Day the right way — with a $3.14k prize pool.

As we said above, each of the individual leaderboards will receive a small prize pool of $300 that will be randomly distributed based on your points in that specific leaderboard. The more points you have, the more entries you have in the random selection. Similar to what we’ve done in previous Compietitions.

After that, we have the Series Overview leaderboard. For this, we’ll be splitting the finalists into 3 tiers — Gold, Silver, and Bronze. This will be done in a ratio roughly equal to 1:3:6. (i.e. if 100 people were on the final leaderboard, 10 would be in the gold tier, 30 in silver, 60 in bronze.) Each tier will receive a PieOAP, similar to past Tiered Leaderboards.

Once the leaderboard is finalized, we’ll use the same method as the singular Leaderboards (randomization selection based on points as entries) to reward a prize pool of $500 to each tier. We’re also guaranteeing $300 to whoever comes first, and will be doing a secret reward of $140. But we’re not going to tell you how you qualify for a chance at winning.

With that being said, here’s a summary of the prizes:

Each stage: $300 (1.2k total)
Main leaderboard: $500 per tier (1.5k total)
Top Position: $300
Surprise Raffle: $140
Trophy PieOAPs: Based on Leaderboard Position
Secret Bonus PieOAP: Details coming soon…

We’re sure that this has got some of you excited to dive into submitting your entries! So, let’s get to it…

The Compietitions
As we announce and launch more stages, we’ll be updating this article with further details on the Compietition, an explanation of any bonus points, and a worked example to help make it super clear. If you’re still not 100% certain about something, just reach out to us on Discord!

Stage 1 — Assemble The Troops
For this Compietition, you must only submit Octopies of different slices, and can submit up to a maximum of 13 Octopies. Yes, there are up to thirteen unique slices you could be eligible to submit with. For clarity, in this instance, it is defined by the “Slice” metadata of the Octopie, regardless of any other factors. This also applies to 1/1s. Make sure you double check your Octopies before submitting, and if you’re still not sure, just reach out to the team.

An example of an Octopie here, The Whaler, show’s their Slice is Pielanders.

Every Octopie you submit earns you 5 points, with Bonus Points (BPs) up for grabs as you fill up the submission. The bonus points system works like this:
3 Octopies = 5 BPs
6 Octopies = 10 BPs
10 Octopies = 25 BPs
13 Octopies = 45 BPs.

These bonus points do not stack. Meaning that as you unlock each level, you only get the bonus points from the last one you reach. Therefore, the most points you could earn is 110. [(13 Octopies x 5 Points) + (45 Bonus Points)].

This Compietition started on March 14th, 8am PT, and ran until March 21st, 8am PT. You can see the Leaderboard for the results here.

Stage 2 — Bring The Reinforcements
For this Compietition, you must only submit Octopies with animal companions, and you can submit up to a maximum of 8 Octopies. For clarity, in this instance, it is defined by the “Companion” metadata of the Octopie. Each valid Octopie submitted earns you Points, and there are Bonus Points up for grabs as you fill up the submission with more unique companions!

This Octopie would count as a valid entry, thanks to his Worm buddy.

Every Octopie you submit earns you 10 points, with Bonus Points (BPs) up for grabs if you use unique companions. The Bonus Points system works like this:

3 Unique companions = 10 BPs
5 Unique companions = 20 BPs
8 Unique companions = 30 BPs

These bonus points do not stack. Meaning that as you unlock each level, you only get the bonus points from the last one you reach. Therefore, the most points you could earn is 110. [(8 Octopies x 10 Points) + (30 Bonus Points)].

For this Compietition, 1/1s can be used as wild cards. Meaning they will automatically qualify as a valid Octopie to use, regardless of if they have a companion or not. Likewise, the 1/1s will always count as a unique entry for the bonus points. For example, if you submit 5 1/1 Octopies, you would get 70 Total Points (50 Points for the 5 Octopies, 20 BPs for qualifying for the 5 unique companions because they’re wild cards).

The Octopie companions in your submission must be animals, as non-animal companions don’t qualify as an entry. So, Plants, Crustbusters, any Bucket (including with Fish in it), Chests, Cannons, etc. do not count. The animals such as Dogs, Bats, Parrots, Pigs, Goats, OwlBears, Turtles, Wolfs, HellHounds, Worms, Vultures, etc. all will count as valid entries. Notably, the Robunny from the Pieborg, Doughbot, and The Baked Slices also counts.

Some Octopies, such as the Pierates, can have 2 animal companions. In that instance, they will only count as one entry. If at least one of the two animal companions hasn’t already been used by other Octopies you submit, it will count as one unique entry. If both animals have been used by other Octopies in your submission, they will count as a normal — but not unique —companion entry. (Remember, unique companion entries are only relevant for the bonus points, they will still each get you 10 points!)

If these two Octopies are submitted in one entry, it would count as two unique animals — one for the Parrot, and one for the Seal.

When submitting the same type of companion, but under a different Slice, rarity, or variant, it will not count as a unique entry. For example, if you submit an Octopie with an Earth Worm companion and one with a Rainbow Worm, they are not considered as unique companion entries. This applies to all the animal companions of one type, including Hellhounds, Wolves, Pigs, etc. as well, despite their unique names. Again, they still would qualify for the 10 points each though.

If these 3 Octopies were submitted in one entry, they would count as 3 valid entries. But, they would not count as 3 unique entries, as they are all the same animal, just a different rarity.

If you’re unsure on any of this, reach out to us and we can help clear it up. Remember, the unique companions only matters for the bonus points — so don’t stress about it if it’s too much to think about and just get your entry filled up with Octopies with companions for a chance to win some prizes!

This Compietition started on March 25th, 9am PT, and ran until April 1st, 8am PT.

Stage 3 — Back To Back
For this Compietition you can submit any Octopie, other than 1 of 1s, up to a maximum of 6 Octopies. Each submitted Octopie will earn you 3 Points per Octopie. For every pair of Octopies you submit with the exact same background you get 30 Bonus Points, up to a maximum of 3 Pairs. Therefore, the maximum amount of points you could get is 108 points (6 x 3 = 18 Base Points, 3 x 30 = 90 Bonus Points, 90 + 18 = 108).
Note that the background is defined by the trait named under the “Background” Trait. Exact same background means the trait names are the exact same.

The Bonus Points are only awarded for matching pairs, and matching groups of more than one pair award no additional points. What this means is if you submitted all 6 Octopies with the same background, you would get 60 (3 x 20) Bonus Points. If it was 5 of one background and 1 of a different background, that would be 40 (2 x 20) Bonus Points. If it was 2 of one background, 2 of another background, and 1 with any other background, it would be 40 (2 x 20) Bonus Points. In all these examples, your Base Points is calculated by taking the number of submitted Octopies — not including 1 of 1s — and then times it by 3.

Here’s an example submission, worked through in detail below

The above image would be a submission worth 32 Points. It would get 12 Base Points for the 4 Octopies submitted to the Compietition, and then one bonus of 20 Points for the matching background of the Pielander and the Piesces. Note that whilst the Pierates Background looks similar, it isn’t the exact same!

Overall, this Compietition’s bonus rules are fairly simple. But, if you have any questions, just reach out and let us know!

This Compietition started on April 1st, 9am PT, and ran until April 8th, 8am PT.

Stage 4 — Last Pies Standing
For this Compietition, you can submit up to 5 Octopies. Each Octopie you submit gets you 30 points, however, for every trait a submitted Octopie has, you will be deducted 2 points, up to a maximum of -30 Points per Octopie.

It does not matter if the traits are the same or different across different Octopies. And 1 of 1 Octopies can be used — notably they will usually have the lowest number of traits of any Octopie!

In other words, to maximise your points, you want to submit as many Octopies as you can with as few traits as possible on each Octopie. Here’s a couple of worked examples below:

This Pielander has 9 traits!

The Octopie itself as a submission is worth 30 Points, but it has 9 traits, which mean you need to subtract 18 Points (2 * 9 =18) from the inital 30 Points, so it would only earn a total of 12 Points as a submission (30–12=18).

Here’s an example using multiple Octopies:

Here 4 of a possible 5 Octopies have been submitted!

The Octopies in the above the image have the following number of traits:

Zompies #390–6 traits
Vampiers #162–7 traits
Zompies #380–6 traits
Vampiers #588–6 traits

Therefore, the Points per Octopie would be:

Zompies #390–6 traits-18 Points
Vampiers #162–7 traits-16 Points
Zompies #380–6 traits-18 Points
Vampiers #588–6 traits-18 Points

Therefore, the total value of this submission would be 70 Points (18 + 18 + 18 + 16 = 70). So you better hunt for some lower trait Octopies if you want a chance of scoring high on this one!

This Compietition starts on April 8th, 9am PT, and will run until April 15th, 8am PT. To dive right into making your lineup, head to MyPies.




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